Pick a color mode
Pick a theme
Renders a table with generic styling.
<.table id="users" rows={@users}> <:col :let={user} label="id">{user.id}</:col> <:col :let={user} label="username">{user.username}</:col> </.table>
the function for generating the row id
the function for handling phx-click on each row
the function for mapping each row before calling the :col and :action slots
the column header label
<:col :let={user} label="ID"> <%= user.id %> </:col> <:col :let={user} label="First name"> <%= user.first_name %> </:col> <:col :let={user} label="Last name"> <%= user.last_name %> </:col> <:col :let={user} label="City"> <%= user.city %> </:col>
the slot for showing user actions in the last table column